سرعة Speed


أنظر بخفةٍ إلى أشياء
ربما كانت ثقيلة
مثلاً أعرف أنني مسافة قصيرة
بين رصيفين
أقطعها بكل سرعتي.. لماذا؟
ولأنني غامرت بصوتي
أتعثر دوما بالهواء
وأول قطرة نزّتْ من جبيني
بدل أن تجف
أنظر بخفةٍ إلى أشياء
أعرف أنها ثقيلة
تلك لحظة حقيقية
أما أنا محض خيالٍ
مصباح يدوي
أتخبط في دغل
ومن يجد كلماتي
يجد حجراً كبيراً
يمكنكم بسهولة
قذفه في وجهي.


I take things lightly
that perhaps are heavy.
For example, I know I'm the gap between two pavements,
yet I cross it as fast as I can — why?
And because I take risks with my voice,
I trip on air.
And the first bead of sweat that trickles down my forehead
drowns me.
I take things lightly
that I know to be heavy.
This is the truth.
Yet I am nothing but an illusion —
a lantern
lost in a forest.
And whoever comes across these words
will find a large stone.
You can easily
throw it in my face.


I look in a light/frivolous way at things
That perhaps are heavy
For example I know that I am a short distance
Between two pavements
I cross it with all my speed… why?
And because I plunge on/venture out with my voice
I always stumble on/trip over the air
And the first drop that trickles from my forehead
Instead of drying out
Drowns me
I look in a light way at things
I know to be heavy
That is a moment of truth
As for me, I am pure imagination
A buzzing light
Crashing around in a thicket/bush
And whoever finds my words
Will find a large stone
You can easily
Throw it in my face.

Original Poem by

Abdullah al Ryami

Translated by

Anna Murison with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


