Stratejik konum Strategic

Stratejik konum

Bir ılgın ağacıyla tanışmıştım
Deniz kıyısında haşmetli neşeli
bir yeşildi
Çok oturmuşluğum dertleşmişliğim var onunla
Güngörmüş pürtüklü gövdesini
okşar, hışırtılı dallarına bırakırdım
kimselere söyleyemediklerimi
Şehre dönmeden sarılır helalleşir
Bir sonraki yaza görüşmek üzere derdik
Sonraki yaz geldiğimde denizde
bir boşluk vardı
Neyi eksik bilemedim önce
Derken bir baktım ılgınımı
budamışlar ortasından
Deniz manzarasını kesmesin diye
Bana görünmek istemedi ılgın elletmedi
kendini çünkü dalı kalmayınca
gövdesini yaprak basmıştı ve
güzelim üst dalları artık küskün
sarı çırpılardı
Denizi öyle sevmişler ki ağacına kıymışlar
Sahip olacaksan bir şeye geri kalanı engeldir
Stratejik konumun yanlışsa
Bedel ödetirler duruşuna
Ilgın ne bilsin bunları
Sevmek ne tuhaf ne acıklı bir kelime
Denizin başladığı yerde duruyorum
Kum ıslak ve yoğun
Tabanımın şeklini alıyor bastığım yerde
Ama denizin o sıfır noktasında
Hiçbir iz kalıcı değil
Bir cilveli hareketle siliverir beni
İnsanların birbirinin yüzüne nal izi
bıraktığı bir şehirdenim
Hepimizin elinin altında buz
torbaları ve hücre yenileyici kremler
Geceler o izleri okşamakla
Gündüzler saklamakla geçiyor
Toplu yalana yeni gerçeklik diyoruz
Riya meşruiyet kazanıyor
Hep bir kayıp hep bir eksilme duygusu
var. Sanki bir şeylerini
çaldılar, sen hiç bilemedin
Adını koymadıkça kendinden eksildin
Koca aşklar matruşkalara ufalandı
Ne zamandır yetiyor sevdiklerine
‘Sen de artık herkes gibisin’ kalıbı
Gerisi hep o aynı irtifa kaybı​


I met a salt cedar
by the sea
It was a cheerful stately green
I sat with it and shared my troubles many times
caressing its rough, wise trunk
To its rustling branches I would trust
all the things I couldn’t tell
Before my return to the city we embraced, bid farewell
Till next summer, we said
The next summer I came to the sea
there was an emptiness
At first I didn’t realise what was missing
Then I saw my salt cedar
split down the middle
obscuring the sea view no longer
The salt cedar didn’t want me to see it, to let me touch
the spots bared of branches
Its hollowed trunk filled with leaves
and its beautiful upper boughs now disconsolate
yellow limbs
So much did they love the sea they sacrificed its only tree
In the quest to possess something, everything else becomes pure obstacle
If your strategy means standing in the wrong position
you’ll be made to pay the price
How could the salt cedar know all this
What a strange and painful word is love
I’m standing where the sea begins
The sand is wet and thick
It takes the shape of my sole where I step
But at this zero point of the sea
No trace is permanent
It will erase me with one coquettish flick
I come from a city where
people leave horseshoe welts on other people’s faces
At our fingertips we all have ice
packs and cell renewal creams
Nights go by caressing those scars
Days spent hiding them
We call a mass lie the new truth
Hypocrisy is going legitimate
There is always a sense of loss, always a sense
of being diminished. As though something of yours
were stolen, but you had no idea
The longer it went unnamed the more you lost a part of yourself
A vast love story dwindled down to matryoshka dolls
Since when is the ‘You’re like everyone else now’ mould
enough for the ones you love
What’s left is always the same old loss of altitude

Strategic Position

I had met a Tamarix
It was a majestic happy green
by the sea
I’ve been sitting, sharing my troubles many times with it
caressing its rough, well-lived/wise trunk
I would leave to its rustling branches
all I didn’t tell anyone
Before going back to the city we would embrace, bid farewell
So long until next summer we would say
The next summer I came to the sea
there was an emptiness
First I didn’t understand what was missing
When I saw my Tamarix
pruned by the middle
So that it won’t cut the sea view
It didn’t want to be seen by me the Tamarix didn’t let me touch
itself because when it didn’t have any branches left
its trunk filled with leaves and
its beautiful branches above were now sad/disconsolate
yellow limbs
They loved the sea so much that they sacrificed its tree
If you are to own something the rest is an obstacle
If your strategic position is wrong
They will make you pay the price
How would the tamarix know all this
To love is such a weird a painful word
I am standing where the sea begins
The sand is wet and thick
It takes the shape of my sole where I step
But at this zero level of the sea
No trace is permanent
It will erase me in one coquettish movement
I am from a city where
people leave horseshoe traces on each other’s faces
Right at our hands we all have ice
bags and cell renewal creams
Nights go by caressing those traces
Days are hiding them
We call a mass lie new truth
Hypocrisy is gaining legitimacy
Always a sense of loss, of being diminished
exists. As if some of your things
were stolen, you had no idea
The more you didn’t put a name on it you lost part of yourself
Giant loves diminished into matryoshka dolls
Since when is the “You’re like everyone else now” mould
enough for the ones you love
The rest is always the same loss of altitude


“Konum” can be: position, location, status, situation, attitude

Ilgın ağacı is a Tamarix (image search for the Turkish word:

In general, this poem is a very moving and painful summary of today’s Turkey: economic growth and political power at the cost of nature, the environment, and the most vulnerable people.

Original Poem by

Karin Karakaslı

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Sarah Howe Language


