كۆنتراكت The Contract


نیازم وایه‌

شه‌ووڕۆژێكم ته‌نیا هی تۆ بێ.
بڕیارم داوه‌
سه‌فه‌ره‌كانی سه‌رم ڕاگرم،
                          شه‌پۆلان سڕ كه‌م.
ته‌نیا ورینگه‌ی تۆی تیابێ ماڵم،
ده‌رگه‌ و په‌نجه‌ره‌ و بابوێر كونبڕ كه‌م.
تۆش ته‌نیا جارێ،
خۆت تاقی كه‌وه‌...
با شه‌ووڕۆژێك هه‌مووت هی من بێ:
هەرچی بنەریتە با دەقی بشکی،
هه‌رچی یاسایه‌ با سه‌روبن بێ!
خۆت له‌ ده‌وروبه‌ر،
له‌ كه‌س و كار و ئاشنا بدزه‌وه‌،
له‌ ئه‌ستێره‌ و مانگ...
له‌ هه‌ور و ساماڵ...
له‌ بینه‌وبه‌ره‌ و خه‌میژگه‌ی دنیا
                      خۆت ڕاپسكێنه‌،
ته‌ماشای میلی كاتژمێر مه‌كه‌،
وه‌ك ڕۆژانی تر خۆت مه‌خه‌مڵێنه‌:
خۆ پیره‌دنیا ژێروژوور نابێ،
ته‌نیا هه‌ر جارێك،
بۆ شه‌ووڕۆژێك،
نیوه‌ژن بكوژه‌ و ژنێكی ژن به‌!
من شه‌ووڕۆژێك ده‌بم به‌ هی تۆ،
تۆش شه‌ووڕۆژێك ته‌نیا هی من به‌!
                  18/5/2000 – هێلسنكی

The Contract

I propose
one of my nights and a day to be yours alone
I decided
to rein in my wandering mind
to numb the waves
to fill my home with your breath
I will close the doors and windows
seal all the gaps to keep out the wind
My lady
just for once
try this:
dedicate one day and a night to me
break with tradition
upset all the rules
Slip away from what surrounds you:
family and friends
the moon and stars
blue sky and clouds
the burdensome world
Slip away
without a glance at the clock
Set aside your daily rituals -
this old world won't turn upside down
Just once,
for one night and a day,
be that woman!
I'll be yours for one night and a day
And you alone will be mine for one night and a day
Helsinki 18/5/2000

A Contract

I propose
one of my nights and a day to be yours only
I decided
to cease the travels of my head
to benumb the waves
only your sigh to be in my home
I close up doors, windows and all gaps to prevent the wind
my lady
you only for once
test yourself
make one day and night of yours for me only:
and break the line of all traditions
turn upside down all the rules!
From the surroundings
Family and acquaintances you creep away
From the stars and the moon …
from the cloud and the blue sky
from the hectic and burdening world
you creep away,
do not look at the clock’s dial
like the other days do not make yourself busy
this olden world will not turn upside down
only once
for a night and a day
kill the half woman and be a full woman!
I will be only yours for one night and a day
And you become mine only for one night and a day
Helsinki 18/5/2000

Original Poem by

Abdulla Pashew

Translated by

Mahsn Majidy with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


