Çocuk mezarlarlı The graves of children

Çocuk mezarlarlı

Öldük işte.
Kaydık karanlıktan.
Kayın ağaçları da gördü,
Ufak taşlar da.
Gece ve yıldızlar geçti üzerimizden.
Gömüldük yol kıyısına.

The graves of children

So – we died.
We flitted out of darkness.
Beeches bore witness,
as did the tiniest
of stones.
Night and stars streamed above us
where we lay buried –
along the road.

Children's graves

That’s is, we are dead.
We slipped through darkness.
Beech trees saw us too,
So did the tiny stones.
The night and the stars passed above us.
We’ve been buried by the side of the road.

Original Poem by

Bejan Matur

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Jen Hadfield Language


