نیمه ی رو به آسمان The Half Facing the Sky

نیمه ی رو به آسمان

باران می شویدش
آفتاب خشک اش می کند
در گوش اش نجوا دارد باد
شب در دامن می گیردش
و برایش لالایی می خواند؛
فقط آن نیمه ی سنگ
که رو به آسمان دارد.

The Half Facing the Sky

The rain washes it
The sun dries it
The wind whispers in its ear
The night wraps it up
and sings it a lullaby
Just that half of the rock
facing the sky

The Half Facing the Sky

The rain washes it
The sun dries it
The wind whispers in its ear
The night holds it in its bosom
And sings lullaby
Only that half of the rock
Which faces the sky

Another deceptively simple poem by Ali Abdollahi that packs quite a punch. As always, translation exists in the details – about which we pondered for some time.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Ali Abdollahi

Translated by

Alireza Abiz with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


