Biete bi The North Wind Whips

Biete bi

Biete bi.
Lu neza gui'chi' ne bacuela
nanda saaca' ne xiana.
Ruguubeedxe' ca yoo, ridopa cuuxhu' bi'cu'.
Daabi ti xiixa
bicuininá' huadxí ri',
ti guichi guluxu,
ti guiiba' tini.
Nuu tu laa
gudu'ba' xhaata' gueza guibá',
bisaana ni naté, nagu'xhu'.
Xaguete' ri' guiruti'
nibeezá xpandá',
guirá' zeguyoo ra lidxi
cugaba' xquenda zí'.
Caxidxi zinña,
laaca tuuxa biaanatá'
gudxite xcunaa laa.
Yanadxí guirá'
bietenala'dxi' ladeñee,
málasi gunna binni
nabani guendaruseegu' ra lidxi.
Tu laa nanna
xiñee cazaaca' huadxí ri',
xiñee nisi nuaa'
gudxiga' yaana' xii
bixé' cundubi rarí'.
Cuxidxi ca yaga,
riaba riásaca'
cuxidxica' naa
runi biaanata'ya'.
Latané naa nagasi
guirá' manihuiini' ruunda'
guidxélatu lu yaga,
ti gabe' laatu
pa naye'que' guichalaga binidxaba'.

The North Wind Whips

The north wind whips through, 
in the streets papers and leaves
are chased with resentment.
Houses moan,
dogs curl into balls.
There is something in
the afternoon's finger,
a catfish spine,
a rusty nail.
Someone unthinkingly
smoked cigarettes in heaven,
left it overcast, listless.
Here, at ground level, no one could
take their shadow for a walk,           
sheltered in their houses, people
are surprised to discover their misery.
Someone didn't show,
their host was insulted.
Today the world
agreed to open her thighs,
suddenly the village comprehends                                 
that it is sometimes necessary to close their doors.
Who can divine
why I meditate on this afternoon?
Why is it birthed in me
to knife the heart
of who uncovered the mouth       
of the now whipping wind,
to jam corncobs in the nose
of the ghost that pants outside?
The trees roar with laughter,
they split their sides,
they celebrate
that you haven't arrived at your appointment.
Now bring me
the birds
that you find in the trees,
so I can tell them
if the devil's eyelashes are curled.           

This translation was first published in Poetry Magazine

Original Poem by

Victor Terán

Translated by

Shook with Shook Language


