Diidxa' Bisiaanda' The Word I Forgot

Diidxa' Bisiaanda'

Ti diidxa',
ti diidxa si,
ti diidxa' si ñapa'
lu bata naya',
ndaani' xquendabiaane',
ndaani' ladxidua'ya'.
Ti diidxa' si
ñabe liii lu gueela',
ra nibáninu siadó' guie'ru',
ne riuunda' sti' guirá' mani huiini',
lu ca yaga nuu Lahuoyaga.
Ti diidxa' si,
ti diidxa' ma' biaanda' naa.

The Word I Forgot

One word,
just one word,
if I had just one word
in the palm of my hand
in my mind
in my heart.
Just one word
to say to you at night,
to say when we wake 
in the flower of the morning
to the song of all the birds
in the trees of Lahuoyaga.
Just one word,
a word that I forgot.

The Word I Forgot

One word,
just one word,
with just one word that I had
in the palm of my hands,
in my intelligence,
in my heart.
Just one word
to tell you in the night,
when we wake in the morning flower,
with the song of all the birds
above the trees of Lahuoyaga.
Just one word,
a word that I already forgot.

Original Poem by

Víctor de la Cruz

Translated by

Shook with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


