Hilo en una tela de araña Thread in a Spider’s Web

Hilo en una tela de araña

Un arroyo imantado por la brisa y la luz,
un transcurrir cobrizo es el hilo que fluye
en la tela de araña. Charcos de plata cambian
de unas hojas a otras, de unas huellas
a otras sobre la tierra blanda. Te veo cruzar
entre dos líneas. Lo amo,
Entre dos ramas del azar
fluye el arroyo,
su hilo hechizado por el mar de la luz,
por el licor
de su corriente. Es el agua que embriaga
el atardecer. Es el fuego que fluye
sin cesar hacia el este. Bajo su fiel
te pienso.

Thread in a Spider's Web

A stream magnetized by the breeze and the light,
a copper elapsing is the thread that flows
in the spider's web. Silver pools change/shift
from some leaves to others, from some traces/footprints
to others on the soft earth. I see you cross
between two lines. I love him,
I say.
Between two branches of chance
the stream flows,
its thread enchanted by the sea of the light,
by the liquid
of its current. It is the water that intoxicates/makes drunk
the dusk. It is the fire that flows
unceasingly towards the east. Beneath its solar
I think of you.

Original Poem by

Coral Bracho

Translated by

Tom Boll with Katherine Pierpoint Language


