ناونیشان Title


تا هه‌ڵبه‌ستێک ته‌واو ده‌بێ،

من ڕۆحی خۆم په‌ڕه‌ ده‌که‌م وه‌کوو هه‌لاج.
که‌ ته‌واو بوو،
خاڵێک ده‌که‌م به‌ عه‌رش بۆی،
ناونیشانێک ده‌که‌م به‌ تاج.
   *  *  *
هه‌ر قورینگێك
جارێك باڵی له‌ ده‌ریاچه‌ی
ئه‌ڤینی من هه‌ڵکێشابێ،
بۆته‌ وشه‌ بۆ هه‌ڵبه‌ستێک،
که‌ عومرێکه‌ ده‌ینووسم و ته‌واو نابێ!    
   *  *  *
هاوڕێم، ماندووم!
وا هه‌ست ده‌که‌م،
هه‌ڵبه‌ستم هێنده‌ درێژدادڕ بووه‌،
دیوانی بوون لێی پڕ بووه‌...
ئاگام لێیه‌، له‌ یادمدا
جێگۆڕکێ ده‌که‌ن په‌یڤه‌کان.
ڕێگه‌م بده‌ خاڵێک دانێم،
تۆی بۆ بکه‌م به‌ ناونیشان!
9/11/1979 – مۆسکۆ


Until a poem is finished
I tease my soul like a cotton carder.
When it's done,
its throne is a full stop
and its title a crown.
*   *   *
Any crane
that once dipped its wing
in the lake of my passion
becomes words for a poem
that I write without end.
*   *   *
I am tired, my friend!
I feel my poem lengthening
into the epic of existence.
I am aware that, in my memory,
words slip out of place.
Let me assign the full stop
and crown it with a title.


Till a poem gets concluded
I gin my soul like a cotton carder
When it concludes,
I make a full-stop its throne,
and a title its crown
Any crane [bird]
that dunked its wing into the lake
of my passion once,
has turned into words for a poem,
that I am writing for ages and it does not end!
My friend, I am tired!
I feel that
my poem is becoming so prolonged
it filled the divan of the existence …
I am aware, in my memory
the words swap places.
Allow me to put a full-stop,
and make you the title [for it]!

The ironically entitled ‘Title’ (like another poem by Abdulla Pashew, ‘Unfinished Poem’, that we translated in the same workshop) is concerned with the exigencies of writing poetry. In this case, the poet is tired; his life-long poem is turning into an epic and he becomes aware that in his mind, ‘words slip out of place’.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Abdulla Pashew

Translated by

Mahsn Majidy with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


