دانی ئێواران Two Sunsets

دانی ئێواران

سەرنج دەدەمە ئاوابوونی خۆر،

دەزانم، منیش،
زوو بێ یا درەنگ، دەبێ ئاوا بم.
بەلام، مخابن،
دەمی ئاوابوون وەکوو زەردەپەڕ سیحراوی نابم!

Two Sunsets

At dusk
when I gaze at the sunset
I know
one day my own sunset will come
But, sadly,
my twilight won't be as resplendent

Two Sunsets

In the evenings
I gaze at the sunset.
I know, sooner or later,  my own sunset will come,
But, alas!
My twilight won’t be as ornate as the sunsets.

We’ve translated a number of these pithy, aphoristic poems by Abdulla Pashew which, although they seem simple, can be difficult to get right in English.

We changed ‘evenings’ to ‘dusk’ because, in English, the evening is dark and sunset takes place at dusk. And we debated at length the right adjective to choose for the final word — do you think we made the right choice?

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Abdulla Pashew

Translated by

Mahsn Majidy with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


