CAKU TV-ga! Ugh! Television is Disgusting


Qabri lagugu tuuryaye jinkaad, qolo wadaagtaane
Qalad la igu siray oo ibleys, ii qarshaad tahaye
Qalab uu isagu keensaday oo, qaybsho yaad tahaye
Qabbaankiisa weyn iyo sarkaal, uu qortaad tahaye
Qudurrada sabaankiyo ibtilo, qooqan baad tahaye
Maan-qalato yaad tahay ka timid, qaarad naga dheere.
Qofkoo hebed ah yaad kala baxdaa, dhiig adaan qubine
Qobka madaxa saabaan qabow, yaad ku qodataaye
Dadku yaanay qoonsane sarmada, wow qunyareeysaaye
Qabatooyinkaagiyo xadhkaha, kama qaloodaane
Iyagaaba qoolkaad ku ridi, soo qalqaashada'e
Qariib baad ahayd shalay ku dagay, qoobad iyo laabe.
Imminkana qor saayid ah adaa, qaytay gurigiiye
Dadkaygii qaraabiyo xigtaba, wuu ku qaayibaye
Iga qaadday qoyskii dhammaa, aan la soo qaxaye,
Qorshe aad sameeysiyo markaad, qaabab ugu keento
Qisadaada waan yaabay siday, ugu qushuucaane.
Qacda iyo baftiyo weerarkiyo, qoomamka is-laayay
Baaruudda qaraxeeda iyo, qayladiyo wiida
Qaryadaha gubtee ololo iyo, qiiqa kor u duulay
Qalfoofkiyo alaabada qalliban, daaradaha qaawan
Qasnadaha la boobiyo haddeer, qaniga caydhoobay
Qandiyada la saariyo fardaha, qoobka roganaaya
Siigada u sii qayan cirkiyo, qawdhankiyo heesta,
Qorshe aad sameeysiyo markaad, qaabab ugu keento
Qisadaada waan yaabay siday, ugu qushuucaane.
Qorrax soo baxaysiyo dhulkoo, qurux leh oo doog ah
Webiyada qulqulayee ku dara, qooriyada xeebta
Kaymaha qummaati u baxee, qawlku ruxanaayo
Ubaxyada qadhqadhayee ku yaal, qadowga baashiisa
Ugaadh qaarba dhan u jeeda oo, kala qammaadaysa
Qamar iibinaysiyo dukaan, qaali lagu teedshey
Adduun qaayihiisiyo jacayl, laysu qiranaayo
Marka aad qiyaas ugu shushubi, qooshka malabaysan
Quraac iyo ayaamaha Jimcaha, qado ma doonaane,
Qorshe aad sameeysiyo markaad, qaabab ugu keento
Qisadaada waan yaabay siday, ugu qushuucaane.
Aniguna haddaan qawl hollado, waa qar soo dumaye
Oday qaxar ah baad iga dhigtiyo, jaahil qaraweyne,
Heshiis igu qasab ah keenso oo, qodobbo ii yeedhi!
Laas-caanood, 10.01.2005
Wuxuu arkay qooyskiisii oo ku ururay, daawashada TV-ga, oo qof waliba musalsal yeeshey, iyadoo sidaas waajibaad badani ku dayacmeen, wuxuuna yidhi isagoo la hadlaya shaashadda:

Ugh! Television is Disgusting

You belong in the grave like all your kin from the Djinn
False hope, you're used by the Devil to hide all his schemes
You're employed by the Devil to broadcast his word
You're the Devil's head honcho, his officer-in-chief
You're the era's calamity, a miser on the rampage,
A mind-robber sent here from a continent far away.
If someone is docile you possess him without bloodshed
With a scalpel you cut open the top of his head -
A careful incision so no one makes a fuss -
They're all oblivious to your instruments and straps
In fact they'd run up the noose by themselves
As you parachute into another victim's judgement
You now have been granted pride of place in the house
Everyone I know has welcomed you in
You've kidnapped my family who once fled danger by my side
When you've shown them all these details
I wonder how on earth they make sense of it all.
Destruction, fistfights, nation attacking nation,
Gunpowder exploding, screaming and shouting
Villages on fire - flames reaching up to the sky
Everything smashed, knocked sideways, buildings emptied,
The treasury robbed and the rich made bankrupt
Swag bags slung over horses, hooves pounding
Kicking up dust against clamour and songs
When you've shown them all these details,
I wonder how on earth they make sense of it all
Sunrise over the lush, green earth
Rivers that course to the sea
Forests growing tall sprouting fresh leaves
Orchids in bloom shivering in the breeze
Animals of prey circling each other
Qamar selling up shop stuffed with luxury items
The significance of love, declaration and confession
When you express its sweetness to the full
On Fridays the entire family won't need to eat
When you've shown them all these details,
I wonder how on earth they make sense of it all.
But if I try to protest I face a brick wall
You turn me into an ignorant, contentious old man
So come here and tell me what you want me to say!

Ugh! What a Disgusting TV is

Let one sends you to the grave, as you belong to the lineage of Jinn
You are a fallacious hope that the Devil concealed its secrets from me
You are his instruments that he brought and distributed
You are his big servant and officer that he recruited
You are the calamity of an era and the miser on the rampage
You are a mind-robber who came from a distant continent.
As the person is docile willing to cooperate you own him without bloodletting
You incise with surgical equipment in the outer covering of the head
In order the people not to take an offence you do the incision slowly
Your pincers and the ropes don't embarrass them
It is they who would arrange the strap with a noose
You were a newcomer who landed on the individual's perception and judgment.
And now you've allocated a desirable number in the household for your purpose
My close relative people and kinships have habituated you
You took my whole family that I run away from danger away from me
When you prepare a detailed program and bring forth to them
I've wondered how they appreciate your story. 
The breaking of an object, the crushing of a blow and the attacks and nations killing each other
The explosion of the gunpowder, the loud sharp cry and the shouting
Burning villages, the flames and smoke getting up into the sky
The things reduced to its minimal form, the overturned things and the empty
The treasury that recently been robbed and the bankrupt rich
Bags loaded over the horses and the hooves turning over and over
Clouds of dust sent up, clamor and songs
When you prepare a detailed program and bring forth to them
I've wondered how they appreciate your story.
The sun rising and the earth is beautiful and green
Running rivers flow and reach the shores of the coasts
The forests free from curves or bends and the young shoots of the trees shaking
The shivering flowers located nearby the parasitic plants
Prey animals each going to his own direction and turning away from one
Qamar selling a shop which is lined up with expensive products
The significance of love in general and confessing it to one another
When you reason it and express your thoughts with dough mixture of honey
On Fridays the whole family don't require breakfast and lunch
When you prepare a detailed program and bring forth to them
I've wondered how they appreciate your story
And if I try to make a statement it is like a sudden crash of a cliff
You made me a difficult and ignorant old man
Bring yourself and dictate me articles of a compulsory agreement!  

Original Poem by

Axmed Shiikh Jaamac

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with Sarah Maguire Language


