Hebras de Sal Veins of Salt

Hebras de Sal

Viento y piedra
se funden, agua y viento
en un reino fluido
y subterráneo. Sus corrientes se cierran
en estanques profundos. Ecos que en ellos giran
y se reflejan. Voces
que se concentran. Sobre el lecho de un tiempo dúctil
y primigenio
vuelcan un mineral de soles líquidos.
Dejan hebras
de sal.

Veins of Salt

Wind and stone blend,
water and wind
in a flowing
underworld. Their currents converge
in deep pools. Echoes spin there
and reflect back. Voices
gather. Along the riverbed of time,
so pliable, and primitive,
they strew their minerals; liquid suns.
They leave their veins
of salt.

Original Poem by

Coral Bracho

Translated by

Tom Boll with Katherine Pierpoint Language


