Konde Palmanhã Manchê When Morning Breaks

Konde Palmanhã Manchê

Ó Konde
Ó Konde palmanhã manchê
Konde note ftcha ftchode
E palmanhã manchê
C’pê plantode na tchon
E terra na coraçon
Konde sangue rasgâ na corpe
Arve de broçe aberte
E smente gritâ na rotcha
Tambor de boca verde
E daquel som
Ma quell sangue soldode
Nascê boca
boca centrodeboca rasgodeNa roda de sol
Ó Konde palmanhã manchê
Sem dsuspère pundrode
Na bandêra de porta
Sem lanterna cindide
Na robe de burre
Pa naufroge de navi
Sem navi quebrode
Na boca de pove
E mar bem olte! brobe!
dsusperodeBen quebrâ na Praia Grande
Sês broçe gorde de pecode
E mar bem
Na se luxe
E na se grandèza!
Se mostre
De mar erguide na pêto
Se mapa bronque
Desenhode n’alma
Bem bidê na colónia dnha boca
Tod’aquel negoce dnha sangue ultramarine
Ó Konde palmanhã manchê
E Criste bem dsê morada
El bem ta bem
Pa broçe direita de Monte Cara
C’se cobe d’enxada
Ma se calçon drill
C’se pê na tchon
Ma se dede quebrode
Bem sentâ
Na pedra radonde dnôs fogon
Sem tchuva na mon
Sem fraqueza na sangue
E sem corve na coraçon
Ó Konde
Ó Konde palmanhã manchê

When Morning Breaks

Oh when
Oh when the morning breaks
And the night becomes more night
When the morning breaks
With its feet on the ground
And the earth in its heart
When blood flows from the body
Like a tree with open arms
And the seed shouts from the rock
Like a green-mouthed drum
And from that sound
That warrior’s blood
Mouths are born
centred mouths
torn mouthsIn the wheel of the sun
Oh when the morning breaks
Without hanging its despair
On the flag of the door
Without lighting torches
On the donkeys’ tails
To bring wrecks
Without shipwrecks
On the people’s tongues
Then the desperate sea – very high –
Bravo!Will come to break on Praia Grande
On its fat sinful arms
And the sea will come
In its luxury
In its grandeur
Showing its mast
On the heart’s rough seas
Its white map
Drawn on the soul
Will come to drink in my colonized tongue
All the history of my ultramarine blood
Oh when the morning breaks
And Christ descends from his dwelling
And comes
To the right arm of Monte Cara
With the handle of his hoe
And his drill shorts
With a split finger
And sits down
At our round cooking-stone
With no rain in his hand
No weakness in his blood
No crow in his heart
Oh when
Oh when the morning breaks

Original Poem by

Corsino Fortes

Translated by

Daniel Hahn with Sean O’Brien Language



Cape Verde