با گلی سرخ With a Red Flower

با گلی سرخ

با گلی سرخ

از میان پیراهن‌های سیاه
و پرچم های ژنده‌ی پیاده‌رو بگذر
راهی دیگر نیست
با گل سرخت
از گوشه‌ی چپ کاغذ
پایین بیا
از لابلای خط‌ها و سطرها
عبور کن
و سمت خاطراتم بپیچ
مرا ملاقات کن
در خانه‌ای زرد و فرسوده
که لولاهای زنگ زده دارد
و دریچه‌های پوشیده از پیچک و علف
نجواهای درهم و کشدار،غبار اشیااند
لفاف غمناک سالیان
برگرد ترس ها
با گل سرخت
بیا، بیا
و چنانکه نبینند
سوی در بهشت
اشارت کن.

With a Red Flower

with a red flower[1]
pass through the black clothes
and the worn out flags of the pavement/path
there isn't any other way
with your red flower
come down from the left corner of the paper
from in between the writing and lines[2]
pass through
and turn[3] in the direction of my memories
meet me
in a yellow and dilapidated house
which has rusty pipes
and shutters covered in ivy and grass
interlaced and elastic whispers, objects are dust
the depressing covers of years
turn around fears
with your red flower
come, come
in such a way that they won't see
the direction of heaven's door

Notes on the literal translation:

[1] Literally ‘red flower’ means a (red) rose, but here could also be interpreted as the red flower that people wear in commemoration of the dead, often political dead. There is both an amorous and a memorial connotation in this red flower

[2] Also can mean handwriting

[3] This word also means to twist, when it’s used for directions, it would mean to turn a corner, often used for car directions ‘turn left’ etc.

Elhum Shakerifar, Literal Translator

Original Poem by

Azita Ghahreman

Translated by

Elhum Shakerifar with Maura Dooley Language


