Parola Word


Sacra Parola,
misteriosa essenza,
terra della straniera
che girovaga!                                                           
Tocca la figlia che
cammina tra
luci e ombra,
coraggio e paura.                                                    
Suona melodie 
che danno forma
al mondo
a cui appartiene.                                                     
Parla parole ce
emanano profumo
e portano l'animo
nel tempo e nello spazio.  


Holy Word
inscrutable essence
land of the foreign
wandering woman!
Touch the daughter
who walks between
shadow and light,
courage and fear.
Play melodies
that shape
the world
to which she belongs.
Speak words that
emit a fragrance
and carry the soul
through time and space.

This touching poem, written for Ribka’s young daughter, works like a charm that initiates her into the magical world of language.

Italian is a gendered language – ‘word’, ‘parola’ is feminine – and Ribka uses this to its full extent; a quality that, of course, is lost in English. In the first stanza, Andre’s literal translation captures this by referring to the ‘she-stranger’. We changed this to ‘wandering / woman’, which sounds more natural in English.

We realised that the verbs beginning the second to fourth stanzas – ‘Touch’, ‘Play’ and ‘Speak’ – are imperatives (commands) rather than the third-person singular (even though they look identical in Italian) and this helped us with the perspective of the poem: Ribka is commanding words what they must do on her daughter’s behalf.

Original Poem by

Ribka Sibhatu

Translated by

André Naffis-Sahely with André Naffis-Sahely Language


