You Deserted Me in Rohi

You Deserted Me in Rohi

What kind of love was that when you deserted me in Rohi?
My love, your promises!
You left and gave me loneliness
Who can I rely on now?
You never took me with you, you deserted me in Rohi
Leaving me behind, you went on your way
Everyone is mocking me
For months you made me promises, then you deserted me
           in Rohi
He left me and I lost my mind
Please someone, go and find my love!
You take too long - and I am lost in Rohi
You gave me loneliness and went away
You should have said what I did wrong
You left me in agony and I am lost in Rohi
Well done! And you never even thought of me
You turned your back when you deserted me in Rohi

This song is extremely famous and is often heard on the radio in Siraiki-speaking parts of Pakistan.

The term ‘Rohi’ refers to a desert near the poet’s homeland. Hence our play on ‘you deserted me’.

Very little contemporary poetry from Siraiki has been translated into English and we were very lucky that Nukhbah Langah brought these beautiful poems by Shakir Shujaabadi to our workshop.

Geet (Folk Song)

You never took me with you, and deserted me in Rohi
O lover, your promises!
You gave me separation and left
Who should I rely on now? 
You never took me with you and deserted me in Rohi
Leaving me alone, you departed
Everyone teases me
You promised me for months and deserted me
He left me, and made me insane
Run away O messenger, please find my beloved
O messenger you are taking too long, I am lost in Rohi
You gave me separation, and went on a journey
You should have told me what was my fault? 
You only gave me grief and I became lost in Rohi
O my love, you have not even asked how is Shakir
You have deserted me in Rohi.

Note: Rohi is the name of a desert found in the poet’s homeland. This is a popularly used symbol in Siraiki mystical poetry written by Khwaja Ghulam Farid (1845-1901).

Original Poem by

Shakir Shujaabadi

Translated by

Nukhbah Langah with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


