Waad Garan Lahaydeene You Understand

Waad Garan Lahaydeene

Hooyaallayey hooyaallayey, hoyaallayey hooye;
Warshadaha madfaca gaw leh iyo, gumuca beeraaya
Hubkan dunida kala gooshayee, gees walba u raacay
Ee aan xuduud lagu gartiyo, gogol-dhac loo yeelin
Aakeyga kii geela jirey, saaran garabkiisa
Intuu halista gaadhsiiyay baad, garan lahaydeene.
Inta gibil madow, inta gibil cad, gaaliyo Islaamba
Rag uun baa arlada gubee, waan la garanayne
Iyagaa gantaallada rakibay, mana gar-qaataane,
Waa kuwaa haweenkii guddiyay, geedkii nabadeede.
Geeliyo lo'dii buu jaray iyo, gaabanow adhiye
Geyi aan ugaadhiyo ku hadhin, diin gangaamaniye
Intuu gegida meyd jiifiyaad, garan lahaydeene,
Shimbirihii geyiga joogay ayaa, guuray oo qaxaye
In Hiroshiima gaadhsiisanyaad, garan lahaydeene,
Dhibtuu dunida gaadhsiiyay baad, garan lahaydeene.
Inta gibil madow, inta gibil cad, gaaliyo Islaamba
Rag uun baa arlada gubee, waan la garanayne
Iyagaa gantaallada rakibay, mana gar qaataane,
Waa kuwaa haweenkii guddiyey, geedkii nabadeede.
Colaad iyo waxay geysataad, garan lahaydeene
Inay gacalka naafeeysataad, garan lahaydeene
Gurbood inay agoomaysataad, garan lahaydeene
Odayada inay gawracdaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay dunida gaas-maas sudhaad, garan lahaydeene
Godob iyo wax baas inay tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Guryo negi inay ololisaad, garan lahaydeene
Intay halis gaadhsiisay baad, garan lahaydeene.
Inta gibil madow, inta gibil cad, gaaliyo Islaamba
Rag uun baa arlada gubee, waan la garanayne
Iyagaa gantaallada rakibay, mana gar qaataane,
Waa kuwaa haweenkii guddiyey, geedkii nabadeede.
Inay nabadi tahay geed hadhlaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay gacal xannaanaysataad, garan lahaydeene
Geel dhalay inay daaran tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay gaawe xoor badan tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Geyaan iyo jacayl inay tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Gelbis iyo aroos inay tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay goob farxadi taal tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay horumar gaadhsiisan tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay tahay guryo deyrka laad, garan lahaydeene
Inay tahay xariir lagu goglaad, garan lahaydeene
Gobaad inay ku iidaaman tahaad, garan lahaydeene
Inay tahay aqoon loo gudbaad, garan lahaydeene.
Inta gibil madow, inta gibil cad, gaaliyo Islaamba
Rag uun baa arlada gubee, waan la garanayne
Iyagaa gantaallada rakibay, mana gar qaataane,
Waa kuwaa haweenkii guddiyey, geedkii nabadeede.
Badda: Gabayga
Goorta la tiriyey: 05.12.2005
Goobta lagu tiriyey: Hargeysa
Mowduuca: Wayeellada hubka halista ah - fudud & culus - uu leeyahay

You Understand

Hooyaallayey hooyaallayey, hooyaallayey hooye;
Weapons' factories thud with a pounding rhythm
Armaments spewed out to all the corners of the globe
With no boundaries, no limits and with no restrictions
Even a camel-herder slings an AK-47 on his shoulder
You understand the extreme suffering this brings
Black people, white people, non-believers, Muslims
It's men who burn to annihilate the land
They set up rockets and won't listen to arguments
While women plead for caution under the tree of peace
They've exterminated camels, cattle, goats and sheep
Wild animals - even the shielded tortoise - have all been slaughtered
You understand how many people have been slain in open fields
How birds have fled the countryside and migrated far away
You understand how this is getting like Hiroshima
You understand the destitution this visits on the world
Black people, white people, non-believers, Muslims
It's men who burn to annihilate the land
They set up rockets and won't listen to arguments
While women plead for caution under the tree of peace
You understand war and the injury it inflicts
You understand how loved ones are struck down
You understand how children are made orphans
You understand how the elderly are slaughtered
You understand how the world straps on a gas mask
You understand how hatred and bitterness persist
You understand how blameless villages are torched
You understand the extreme suffering this brings
Black people, white people, non-believers, Muslims
It's men who burn to annihilate the land
They set up rockets and won't listen to arguments
While women plead for caution under the tree of peace
You understand peace is a broad-leafed tree
You understand peace shelters families and friends
You understand peace brings prosperity
You understand peace is a churn of frothing milk
You understand peace means marriage and love
You understand peace escorts the married couple home
You understand peace is a place where happiness springs
You understand peace promotes progress
You understand peace is a home with a strong fence
You understand peace spreads like silk
You understand peace is an independent female camel
You understand peace brings knowledge and education
Black people, white people, non-believers, Muslims
It's men who burn to annihilate the land
They set up rockets and won't listen to arguments
While women plead for caution under the tree of peace

You Would Have Understood

Hooyaallayey hooyaallayey, hooyaallayey hooye;
Weapons industries manufacturing ammunition throbbing with a strong regular  
These armaments provided in a continuous way to every corner of the world
Having no boundary determining the limits and imposing restriction
The one who is the camel-herder carrying the submachine gun AK-47 to his
You would have understood the degree to which many sufferings it inflicted.
The black-skinned people, the white-skinned people, Muslims and non-Muslims
It's men who are burning to destroy the territories but not well perceived
They are the ones who set up the rockets and don't listen to arguments,
Here are the women now counseling for a course of action under the tree of peace.
It killed in large numbers of camels, cattle, goats and sheep
There's no game animals and shielded tortoise left in the land
You would have understood the degree to which the number of people it strike
       down into the open fields
The birds who are used to be in the country had moved away and migrated
You would have understood that it had reached up to Hiroshima
You would have understood the difficulties it had brought to the world. 
The black-skinned people, the white-skinned people, Muslims and non-Muslims
It's men who are burning to destroy the territories but not well perceived
They are the ones who set up the rockets and don't listen to arguments,
Here are the women now counseling for a course of action under the tree of peace.
You would have understood the wars and the injuries it had inflicted upon
You would have understood that it had incapacitated the beloved people
You would have understood that it made orphans to many teenagers
You would have understood that it had slaughtered many elders
You would have understood that the world today has gas masks for protection
You would have understood that it's a resentment and persistent feeling of ill
You would have understood that it puts an arson to peaceful and untroubled
You would have understood the degree to which many sufferings it inflicted.
The black-skinned people, the white-skinned people, Muslims and non-Muslims
It's men who are burning to destroy the territories but not well perceived
They are the ones who set up the rockets and don't listen to arguments,
Here are the women now counseling for a course of action under the tree of peace.
You would have understood that peace is a shady tree;
You would have understood that it looks after families and friends
You would have understood that it's a flash of lightning and camels given birth
You would have understood that it's a large container full of frothy milk
You would have understood that it's an eligible marriage partner and love
You would have understood that it's escorting the bride and groom home after
       the wedding ceremony
You would have understood that it's a site where happiness is occurring
You would have understood that it's a place promoting to progress
You would have understood that it's like houses protected with fences
You would have understood that it's spreading out with a silk
You would have understood that it's seasoned with the she-camel - Gobaad -
       sign of independence
You would have understood the degree to which one has moved on to
       knowledge and education.  
The black-skinned people, the white-skinned people, Muslims and non-Muslims
It's men who are burning to destroy the territories but not well perceived
They are the ones who set up the rockets and don't listen to arguments,
Here are the women now counseling for a course of action under the tree of peace.

Original Poem by

Saado Cabdi Amarre

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with Sarah Maguire Language


