You Will Say Night

You Will Say Night

You will say night
and night will be
You will say day
and day will be washed
You will say colour
and all the butterflies
of the earth will come flying
You will think love
and the horizon will open
a hidden rainbow
You will be tormented
and in another city
her skin
will burn
You will say nightand memory will fall awayYou will say dayand the earth will be empty
You will be silent
and rocks will explode
as far away as the moon
You will not look at her
and she will be caught
in the throat of the wind
You will say night
and a house
will rise
in the sand
You will say day
and this body, gnawed by old age
will be naked

You'll Say, Night

You'll say, night
And night will be
You'll say, day,
And the day will be bathed
You'll say, colour
And all butterflies of the earth
will come flying
You'll think, love
And the horizon will uncover
a hidden rainbow
You'll be, burning
And her skin
will be ablaze
in another city
You'll say, night
And memory will be shed
You'll say, day
And earth will become empty
You'll remain, silent
And rocks will explode
onto the moon
You'll pretend, not to see
And she'll be stuck
in air's throat
You'll say, night
And a sand-house will start
rising by itself
You'll say, day
And this body, gnawed by old age,
will be bared

Original Poem by

Gagan Gill

Translated by

Lucy Rosenstein with Jane Duran Language


