Carola Brantome is an award-winning Nicaraguan poet born in 1961. Carola has published the following books:

Más serio que un semáforo (More serious than a traffic light) Poetry. Editorial Anamá. Managua, Nicaragua, 1995. Winner of the Nicaraguan Institute of Culture for unpublished young writers.

Marea convocada. (Summoned tide) Poetry. Published by the Norwegian Writers Association with the Nicaraguan Writers Centre (CNE) Managua, Nicaragua 1999.

Si yo fuera una organillera (If I were an organ grinder) Poesía. Editorial ANIDE (Nicaraguan Association of Women Writers) Managua, 2003.

Postales en ciudades de arena (Postcards in cities of sand) Poesía. Ediciones En Danza. Argentina, 2011. Winner of 1st mention in the Casa de las Americas Prize, Cuba.

– La vida en un tuit (Life in a tweet). Parafernalia digital editions. Managua, 2015.
