Diana Anphimiadi is a poet, publicist, linguist and teacher. She holds a PhD from the linguistic institute at the Tbilisi Javahkishvili University. Diana has published four collections of poetry, Shokoladi (Chocolate 2008), Konspecturi Mitologia (Resumé of Mythology, 2009), Alhlokhedvis Traektoria (Trajectory of the Short-Sighted, 2012 and Chrdilis Amoch’ra (Cutting the Shadow, 2015). Her poetry has received prestigious awards, including first prize in the 2008 Tsero (Crane Award) and, in 2009, the Saba Prize for the best first collection.

In 2022, her bilingual book Why I No Longer Write Poems, translated by Natalia Bukia-Peters and Jean Sprackland, was co-published by the Poetry Translation Centre with Bloodaxe Books, winning an English PEN Award and reaching the longlist of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation 2022.

Diana lives in Tblisi with her husband and son.
