Kyoo Lee is a philosopher, poet, critic, and the author of Reading Descartes Otherwise (Fordham UP), Writing Entanglish(Belladonna*) and a forthcoming book on visual philopoetics (The MIT Press). Currently, she teaches at the City University of New York where she is Professor of Philosophy and the faculty leader for a Mellon public seminar, mp3: Poetry, Philosophy, Performativity. A recipient of faculty fellowships from Cambridge University, CUNY Graduate Center, Ewha Womans University, KIAS, the Mellon Foundation, the NEH, Seoul National University, and Yanbian University among others, she publishes widely in the interwoven fields of the Arts and the Humanities. Throughout her site-specific philopoetic practices, ‘Q’ explores co-generative links between critical theory and creative prose. A scholar active in editorial fieldwork as well, since 2018 she has been co-editor of philoSOPHIA: a Journal of transContinental Feminism (SUNY Press). Currently on the Board of Directors at Litmus Press, she also serves on the editorial boards of Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, Bloomsbury Studies in Critical Poetics, Open Humanities Press, Simon de Beauvoir Studies, and Women’s Studies Quarterly. Her most recent edited anthology involving contributions from 50+ artists, poets, theorists, and writers from across the world is Queenzenglish.mp3: poetry | philosophy | performativity (Roof Books).

Translated Poems