Paula Galindez is a poet, translator and translation professor born in Argentina. She earned a BA in Literary and Audiovisual Translation in English and has translated books from English and German into Spanish, and from Spanish into English. She has studied creative writing and translation with renowned Argentine writers such as Alberto Muñoz, Andi Nachon, and Pablo Ingberg.

Paula has published a poetry book, Fábricas (Salta el Pez, 2019), and is currently editing a second poetry book to be published in 2023. She has won and been shortlisted for several prizes, grants and scholarships for both her poetry and her short fiction in Spanish and in English. In 2021, she received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to edit and translate an anthology of 19th-century English-speaking women poets, and she was selected for the Winter Writers Retreat at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity to work on her new book, 28 Ways of Reading a Mother.

In 2022 she took part in the PTC’s Queer Digital Residency.


Translated Poems