Raúl Cisneros comes from the peasant community of Pariamarca, in Ayacucho Peru; where he was a farmer, cattle herder, and baker. Then he studied to be a language and literature teacher at the San Cristobal de Huamanga National University. Founder and member of the Estirpe de Ayacucho Scenic Creation Collective, actor, oral narrator, musician. He is co-author with Sara Paredes Mansilla of the book: ”KAMETSA ASAIKE. THE PERFORMING ARTS FOR GOOD COMMUNITY LIVING IN THE ORIGINAL PEOPLES OF THE AMAZON” which won the Infoartes 2017 prize from the Ministry of Culture of Peru.

He is a member of the team of the NGO Warmayllu-Comunidad de Niños where he worked on art-education and interculturality at the National Intercultural University of the Amazon UNIA – Ucayali and in the Decentralized Program of the National University of San Marcos UNMSM – Satipo for teacher training EIB. In this multicultural and multilingual context, he has developed workshops, productions and the production of several plays and oral narration shows based on his own knowledge with young people from the Ashaninka, Nomatsiguenga, Yanesha, Chipibo, Awajun, Wampis, Kashinawa, Kichwa communities.

He has developed works of oral narration, poetry, community theater and songs in Quechua communities and the Amazon. From 2011 to 2012, he worked on the Health and nutrition project aimed at health workers, teachers, agronomists and communities of Ayacucho, Apurímac and Huancavelica; together with the Association “Let me tell you”, UNICEF and PAHO.
