The PTC is nothing without its network of poets, translators and language-enthusiasts. It wouldn’t be a birthday party without you there, so we heartily invite you to join in.

Come to an event

There’s no better way to celebrate than to join us at one of our events this year, whether online or in-person. Whether you’re an old friend of the PTC, or you’ve always meant to come to one of our events and never found the time, add it to your New Year’s Resolution list to find out what’s on near you and book a ticket.

Buy a book

Invite poetry in translation into your home! Enjoy one of our unique (and often award-winning) bilingual publications from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Order now.

Share a memory

Since our founding in 2004 by Sarah Maguire, the PTC’s work has touched so many lives. In 2024, we’re inviting you to share your memories of the PTC over the past two decades. We’ll update this page soon with details on how to do this.

Join our mailing list

You won’t want to miss out on all we’re doing this year. Sign up to our free mailing list to be the first to know.