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Sarah Maguire Prize Anthology 2022


An anthology featuring a generous selection from each of the six titles shortlisted for the 2022 Sarah Maguire Prize, featuring poetry in Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Chinese.

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This anthology features a generous selection from each of the six titles shortlisted for the Sarah Maguire Prize 2022 prize. This thrilling overview of poetry in translation includes some of the most acclaimed poets and distinguished translators in world literature. Each selection is introduced by the book’s publisher and presented in a bilingual format, this year featuring poetry in Arabic, French, Spanish and Korean.

The Sarah Maguire Prize celebrates the legacy of the Poetry Translation Centre’s founder, a leading advocate for poetry in translation. The prize is awarded biennially to the best book of poetry translated into English from Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America, with the prize money split equally between poet and translator.

The Sarah Maguire Prize 2022 was judged by Rosalind Harvey, Kyoo Lee and Kit Fan.

“Translation is about movement and possibility, and these books all invite us to explore what that movement has meant and might mean. In a world full of endless stark opinions, where nuance often struggles to get a word in, of endless facts and ‘alternative facts’, these collections invite us to uphold poetry’s – and translation’s – innate open-endedness, its ability to allow for possibility, for multiple answers as well as questions.”

– Rosalind Harvey, Chair of Judges

ISBN: 9781739894825
Format: Paperback
Size: 216 x 138mm
Languages: Arabic, French, Korean, Spanish, English.