Ecre Karadag is a translator and marketer with an arts and community engagement background. She has an MA Translation degree from SOAS, University of London and most recently an MA in Japanese Studies from Sophia University, Tokyo. While studying in Tokyo, she was head of editorial and rights at The COMM, a multilingual Japanese street fashion magazine that has been recognised in Vogue, i-D, Glamour and the 2020 British Fashion Awards. As well as working at the PTC and as a Japanese-English translator, Ecre works at Fitzrovia Community Centre, supporting their fundraising, monitoring and evaluation and runs a weekly community poetry group there with poet and translator Yvonne Green.

What I do:

As Marketing and Communications Manager, I oversee the PTC’s communications strategy, social media accounts and website and work with our poets, translators and partners to promote our workshops, publications and events through digital campaigns. If you would like to discuss anything marketing, digital and promotion, please get in touch.

You can contact Ecre at