Past Events: (2023)

Monday 6 February 2023 Online Via Zoom

Translating Brazilian poet and activist Érica Zíngano

Monday 20 February 2023 Online Via Zoom

More poems by Armenian Turkish poet Karin Karakaşlı

Monday 20 March 2023 Online via Zoom

Hassaniya Arabic Poetry by Saharawi poet Zaim Allal

Friday 17 March 2023 Triangle LGBTQ+ Cultural Centre

beautiful naked coyotées / belles coyotes desnudes

Monday 29 May 2023 Sodo Pizza Restaurant

Translate Vietnamese poetry by Linh San with Phuong Anh Nguyen

Tuesday 4 July 2023 British Library

Mona Kareem and Sara Elkamel at Shubbak Festival

Sunday 9 July 2023 Burgage Hall

A Celebration of Poetry and Translation at Ledbury

Thursday 25 May 2023 Tell It Slant Poetry Bookshop

Mona Kareem at Tell It Slant Poetry Bookshop in Glasgow

Thursday 6 July 2023 Foyles Bookshop

Poetry London Summer Issue Launch

Friday 7 July 2023 Bookbag & Sacred Grounds

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi at Africa Writes Festival in Exeter

Monday 10 July 2023 The Mosaic Rooms

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and Friends at The Mosaic Rooms

Saturday 15 July 2023 LUSH Store

Mona Kareem at Liverpool Arab Arts Festival

Sunday 15 October 2023 Winchester Poetry Festival

Bengali Poetry Translation at the Winchester Poetry Festival

Monday 20 November 2023 Online Via Zoom

Translate Arabic poetry by Haifa Aljabri with Nashwa Nasreldin

Saturday 4 November 2023 Israac Somali Community Centre

Polylingual Open Mic Night with Somali Week Express & Off the Shelf Festival

Friday 10 November 2023 Peckham Levels

UAL Intercultural Zine Exchange and Publishing Fair

Saturday 2 December 2023 Richard Hoggart Building, Room 137

Of all the Languages I Speak, I Own None - UNDERTOW / Sing Lit Station

Thursday 30 November 2023 Mendivan Art & Tattoo Studio

Badly Translated Tattoos: A Poetry Translation Workshop